Feeling stressed? Instead of reaching for candy, try my top 7 foods for stress relief. There's no cure-all food to erase frustration, but you can get some stress relief by exercising and including more of these foods in your diet.
1. Avocado and Banana
That's two things, we know, but what do these fruits have in common? They're loaded with potassium, a vital mineral for keeping blood pressure low.
2. Tea
Calm frazzled nerves with a soothing cup of your favorite tea blend.
3. Fatty Fish
The heart-healthy omega-3 fats in fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna manage adrenaline levels to help keep you calm, cool and collected.
4. Carrots
Munching on crunchy foods helps beat stress. Nutrient-rich carrots, celery and other crunchy, fresh veggies offer satisfying crispness that won't bog you down with too many calories.
5. Milk
Have a glass to get more B vitamins, protein, vitamin D and bone-building calcium to relieve tense muscles. Stick to the low-fat (1 percent) or skim varieties. Try drinking some milk around bedtime to bring on more restful sleep.
6. Nuts
Stress runs you down, which leaves you open to sickness. Almonds, pistachios and walnuts can boost your immune system with vitamins and zinc.
7. Chocolate
Research indicates that dark chocolate may lower levels of stress hormones. Chocolate also contains sugar (a carbohydrate), so it releases mood-improving serotonin. It's all right to indulge; just keep the portions in check.